
“It strikes me that we’re in a moment when the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and other ongoing wars in the global south . . . are sinking out of visibility, a sense of war fatigue is pervasive . . . one major obstacle I’ve found in my own work is the lack of cohesive historical narratives in the popular cultural memory of these wars.”

-Patrick Deer, opening remarks at NYU’s Reparations and the Postwar symposium, April 7, 2016

Warviews is a web series of video interviews with various actors from America’s military campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan. Created based on the problem Patrick Deer calls “the lack of cohesive historical narratives” for today’s wars, the series offers each interviewee’s perspective on her experience of these campaigns and on what makes them particularly hard to narrate, represent, and remember.

If you or someone you know is interested in participating, please email warviews1@gmail.com.
